说明书 飞利浦 HP6403 Satinelle 脱毛器

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2 Select the desired speed to switch on the
appliance (Fig. 7).
Preferably use speed II. Switch to speed I for areas with little
hair growth, for hard-to-reach areas and for areas where
bones are located directly beneath the skin, such as knees
and ankles.
3 Stretchtheskinwithyourfreehandtomakethe
hairs stand upright. Place the epilator in a 90°
angle onto the skin with the on/off slide pointing in
appliance (Fig. 8).
4 Movetheapplianceslowlyovertheskin,againstthe
direction of hair growth. (Fig. 9)
- Press the appliance lightly onto the skin.
Shaving the underarms and bikini line
You can use the shaving head to shave the delicate parts
of your body, such as the underarms and bikini line areas.
With the shaving head, you obtain a smooth result in a
comfortable and gentle way.
1 Push the epilating head in the direction of the arrow
2 Placetheshavingheadontheappliance(1)andpush
it in the direction of the arrow (2) until it snaps
home (Fig. 11).
3 Switch on the appliance.
- We advise you to select speed I.
4 Stretchtheskinwithyourfreehandtomakethe
hairs stand upright. Place the appliance in a 90°
appliance (Fig. 12).
5 Movetheapplianceslowlyovertheskinagainstthe
- Shave your bikini line as shown in the gure (Fig. 13).
- Shave your underarms as shown in the gure (Fig. 14).
Cleaning and maintenance
Note: Make sure the appliance is switched off and unplugged
before you start to clean it.
- Never rinse the appliance or the adapter under the
tap (Fig. 15).
- Keep the appliance and the adapter dry (Fig. 16).
Cleaning the epilating head and efciency cap
1 Removetheefciencycapfromtheepilating
head (Fig. 17).
2 Push the epilating head in the direction of the arrows
(2) (Fig. 10).
3 Rinsetheepilatingheadandtheefciencycapunder
the tap while turning it.
4 Shaketheepilatingheadrmly(Fig.18).
5 Drytheepilatingheadthoroughlywithateatowel.
Note: Make sure the epilating head and the efciency cap are
completely dry before you place them back onto the appliance.
6 Placetheepilatingheadbackontotheappliance
(1) and push it against the direction of the arrows
Cleaning the shaving head
1 Switch off the appliance.
2 Removetheadapterfromthewallsocket(1)andpull
the appliance plug out of the appliance (2).
3 Pushtheshavingheadinthedirectionofthearrow
4 Removetheshavingfoilfromtheshaving
head (Fig. 21).
5 Cleantheshavingfoil,thecutterblockandthehair
6 Youcanalsorinsetheshavingheadanditsparts
under the running tap.
7 Rubadropofsewingmachineoilontotheshaving
Ordering accessories
To purchase accessories for this appliance, go to your Philips
dealer or a Philips service centre. If you have any difculties
obtaining accessories for your appliance, please contact the
Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country. You nd its
contact details in the worldwide guarantee leaet. You can
also visit www.philips.com/support.
- Do not throw away the appliance with the normal
household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at
an ofcial collection point for recycling. By doing this,
you help to preserve the environment (Fig. 22).
Guarantee and service
If you need service or information or if you have a problem,
please visit the Philips website at www.philips.com/
support or contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre in
your country. You nd its phone number in the worldwide
guarantee leaet. If there is no Consumer Care Centre in
your country, go to your local Philips dealer.
This chapter summarises the most common problems you
could encounter with the appliance. If you are unable to
solve the problem with the information below, contact the
Consumer Care Centre in your country.
Problem Cause Solution
You are moving
the appli-
ance in the
wrong direction.
Move the appliance
against the direction
of hair growth, with
the on/off slide
pointing in the
direction in which
you move the
You are placing
the epilating head
on the skin at a
wrong angle.
Make sure that you
place the appliance
on the skin at an
angle of 90° (see
chapter ‘using the
You used a
cream prior to
Make sure your skin
is clean, entirely dry
and free from grease.
Do not use any
cream before you
start epilating.
The hairs are too
The optimal hair
length for easy
removal of the hairs
is 3-4mm. If the hairs
are too short, wait
until they are longer
or try to remove the
hairs by repeatedly
moving the appliance
across the skin.
The sensitive
area cap is
attached to the
epilating head
while you epilate
your legs.
Do not use the
sensitive area cap
when you epilate
your legs, as the cap
reduces the number
of active epilating
discs. Never use the
epilator without the
sensitive area cap
when you epilate
your underarms.
필립스 제품을 구입해 주셔서 감사합니다! 필립스가
드리는 지원 혜택을 받으실 수 있도록 www.philips.
co.kr에서 제품을 등록하십시오.
각 부의 명칭 (그림 1)
1 효과 캡
2 쉐이빙 헤드
3 제모 디스크
4 제모 헤드
5 전원 스위치
- O = 꺼짐
- I = 일반 속도
- II = 고속
6 제품 플러그 콘센트
7 소형 플러그
8 어댑터
중요 사항
본 제품을 사용하기 전에 이 사용 설명서를
주의 깊게 읽고 나중에 참조할 수 있도록 잘
- 제품과 어댑터에 물이 묻지 않도록
- 본 제품을 물이 채워진 세면대나 욕조 위 등
물이 있는 근처에서 사용하지 마십시오 (
그림 2).
- 본 제품을 목욕이나 샤워 중에 사용하지
마십시오 (그림 3).
- 욕실에서 사용할 경우 연장선을 사용하지
마십시오 (그림 4).
- 함께 제공된 어댑터만 사용하십시오.
- 액세서리 또는 어댑터가 손상되었다면 제품을
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- 어댑터에 손상 부위가 있으면, 위험할
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- 어댑터에는 변압기가 내장되어 있습니다.
위험할 수 있으므로 어댑터를 제거하고 다른
플러그로 교체하지 마십시오.
- 신체적인 감각 및 정신적인 능력이 떨어지거나
경험과 지식이 풍부하지 않은 성인 및 어린이는
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충분히 숙지한 사람의 도움을 받으십시오.
- 어린이가 제품을 가지고 놀지 못하도록 지도해



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品牌 Philips
模型 HP6403 Satinelle
类别 脱毛器
文件类型 PDF
文件大小 2.09 MB

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说明书 飞利浦 HP6403 Satinelle 脱毛器

