说明书 SentrySafeMS0200保险箱

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Close the door and return the handle to the horizontal position.
Advanced LCD electronic lock
For safes with an
electronic lock and a key lock
For added security, some models have dual
locking system (electronic lock plus key lock).
use both the electronic code and
the key to open the safe.
To open your safe for the first time:
Install 4 AA batteries. (See instructions under
“Electronic lock”.)
Turn the key to the right so that cylinder pops out.
Enter the electronic lock code printed on the front
cover, then press the Prog/Enter key. When the green
PROCEED light comes on, you have four seconds to
turn the handle down to open.
Using the keypad
Liquids can damage the keypad!
Pen points or other sharp objects can puncture
the keypad membrane!
Only a light touch is needed. Press any button, the keypad
lights up and a single beep will indicate that the keypad “felt
your touch. The lock allows 5 seconds for each key press.
After 5 seconds, 3 beeps will sound and a red light will blink.
Start over if this occurs.
Access codes
There are three ways to unlock and access the safe. Use
one of the following, then press the Prog/Enter key:
1. Enter the preset 5-digit electronic lock combination.
This code cannot be deleted and can always be used to
open the safe - keep it secure!
2. A 4–8 digit Manager Code can be programmed and
changed as needed.
3. For temporary access to the safe, you can program
up to six 4–8 digit User Codes that can be erased
or changed.
NOTE: All zeros is an invalid code.
Open first test combination
with door open!
Test your new LCD electronic lock codes several times with
the door open to be sure you have entered them correctly.
NOTE: To return to the beginning when inputting
a programmed Manager, User or Factory Code,
press CLEAR. You may then re-enter the Code.
NOTE: To turn the beeper on or off, press the 0 key
nd then the Prog/Enter key. (0, Prog/Enter)
Programming the Manager Code
NOTE: One (1) Manager Code is allowed.
To add:
1. Press the Prog/Enter key, then enter the 5-digit
lectronic lock combination and then press the
Prog/Enter key.
2. An empty lit box means no Manager Code is programmed.
A boxed lighted
means a Manager Code is programmed.
3. Enter a 4 to 8 digit code and press the Prog/Enter key to
finish programming the code into the unit.
To delete:
1. Press the Prog/Enter key, then enter the 5-digit
electronic lock combination and then press the
Prog/Enter key.
2. A boxed lighted
icon indicates there is a code
programmed and can be deleted.
3. Press 0, 0, 0, 0, then the Prog/Enter key to delete the
Manager Code. (0, 0, 0, 0, Prog/Enter)
NOTE: To return to the beginning when
programming a Manager or User Code, wait
5 seconds and the lock will time-out. You may
then start over.
Programming User Codes
NOTE: Six (6) user codes are allowed.
To add:
1. Press the
key 2 times, enter the Manager Code
and then press the Prog/Enter key.
2. Use the << or >> to scroll between the lighted boxes. An
empty box means it is available for a code entry; a boxed
means it is being used.
3. Enter a 4 to 8 digit code in the selected position and press
the Prog/Enter key to finish programming the code into the
To delete:
1. Press the Prog/Enter key 2 times, enter the Manager Code
and then press the Prog/Enter key.
2. Use the << or >> to scroll to the boxed lighted
to be removed.
3. Press 0, 0, 0, 0, then the Prog/Enter key to delete the
selected user. (0, 0, 0, 0, Prog/Enter)
NOTE: To return to the beginning when
programming a Manager or User Code, wait
5 seconds and the lock will time-out. You may
then start over.
To unlock safe:
nter the preset 5-digit electronic lock combination, a
Manager Code or a User Code and press the Prog/Enter key. An
asterisk will light each time a digit is entered. When the
unlocked padlock icon appears you have 4 seconds to turn the
handle and open the safe.
To lock safe:
Close the door and return the handle to the horizontal
Keep your Manager
and User Codes secure
Maintain a record of your Manager and User Codes and store
them in a secure location, other than in the safe.
Record your Manager
and User Codes here
Manager Code: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
ser Code: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Battery replacement
The battery icon will light when the batteries need to be
replaced. No codes are erased when old batteries are
removed for replacement. See Battery installation in
he “Electronic lock” section for installation instructions.
NOTE: If your safe does not appear to be working,
please check batteries before calling Sentry
Customer Service.
Icon identification
ERR (Error) indicates one of the following:
1. You have pressed Program key out of sequence.
2. You have entered an invalid code.
3. You have let 5 seconds elapse between key presses.
PRG (Program)
Lights after pressing the Program key and stays lit while pro-
gramming a Manager or User Code.
(Asterisk) indicates one of the following:
1. A number key has been pressed.
2. In Program mode, it signals a programmed code location.
Light during programming and indicate code locations.
• An empty lit box means no code is programmed.
• A boxed lighted
means a code is programmed.
Lights after three consecutive invalid codes are input and
stays lit during the 2-minute delay mode.
Unlocked Lock
Lights when a valid code is entered. Indicates that the safe is
unlocked and the door can be opened.
Lights when batteries are low indicating that the batteries
need to be replaced soon.
Lights when the beeper is on.
Delay mode
The lock automatically enters a two-minute delay mode after
an invalid code has been entered three consecutive times. In
this mode, the lock can not be activated and the
PADLOCKED icon lights.



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Tuomo inkeroinen 09-04-2021

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Pol DE RIJBEL 24-10-2023
我忘记了代码,如何找回或获取另一个代码。 保险箱打开了,但我无法移动把手。 这是一扇机械门。 请回复 问候波尔

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Petri Hiltunen 02-11-2019

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Ari Ahoniemi 05-08-2023
嘿 ! 哨兵保险箱 MS0200 BJ297335 机械的。 柜子打不开 数字组合正确。

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品牌 SentrySafe
模型 MS0200
类别 保险箱
文件类型 PDF
文件大小 18.7 MB

SentrySafe保险箱 的所有手册
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关于 SentrySafeMS0200保险箱 的常见问题


我的电子保险箱的锁打不开,但我确信我输入的密码是正确的。我能做什么? 验证


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我失去了保险箱的安全,该怎么办? 验证


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在什么情况下保护我的保险箱是个好主意? 验证


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说明书 SentrySafeMS0200保险箱

