说明书 特福 FV9450G0 Ultimate Autoclean 熨斗

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8. Auto-Stop safety feature (depending on model)
-Foryoursafety,theelectronicsystemcutsoffthepowerand the autostop indicator light
- fig. 13
-Torestarttheiron,justmoveitgentlyuntilthewarninglight stops flashing.
9. Autoclean Catalys® Soleplate
- fig. 14
which works by catalysis.
It is recommended that you always stand your iron on his heel topreserveitsself-cleaningcoating.
Dry Ironing
- fig. 1.1.
Caring for your iron
BE CAREFUL ! Unplug your iron and let it cool down before cleaning it.
Cleaning the anti-calc valve (once per month)
-Toremovetheantiscalevalve,setyourthermostatontheposition MAX
- fig. 10
place the steam control on STEAM ,
- fig. 1.2
and the valve can now be removed
from your iron
- fig. 15.
Never touch the end of the valve
-Soakthevalveinacupofwhitevinegarorplainlemonjuicefor 4 hours
- fig. 16
The iron will not function without the anti-calc valve
1. Self-cleaning
In order to extend the life of your iron, use the Self-Cleaningfunctiononceamonth.
- fig. 1.1
-Settheirononhisheel,withthewatertankfull,andsetthethermostat to MAX
- fig. 10.
-Whenthethermostatlightgoesout,unplugtheironandholdit in a horizontal position, over a
-SetthesteamcontroltoSTEAM ,
- fig. 1.2
-Shaketheirongently,overthesink,untilsomeofthewaterin the water tank (with the
impurities) has flowed out through the soleplate.
-Attheendoftheoperation,pushtheanti-calcvalvebackinto position.
-Turntheironbackonfor2minutes,settingitonitsheel,todry the soleplate.
-Unplugtheiron,andwhenthesoleplateisjustwarm,wipeitwith a soft cloth.
2. Cleaning the soleplate
Yo u r ir o n i s e q u i p p ed w i t h a s e l f -c l e a ni n g s o le p l a te , wh i c h works by catalysis.
Its exclusive active coating helps continuously eliminate all the impurities generated by the
normal day-to-day use of the iron.
However, if you iron using an unsuitable programme, some traces may be left which require
manual cleaning. In this case, it is recommended that you use asoftdampclothonthewarm
soleplate, in order not to damage the surface.
Storing your iron
- fig. 1.1
When the Auto-Stop
warning light is on, it is
normal for the
thermostat light to
remain off.
Recommendations: the
self-cleaning function
helps to slow down the
scaling up of your iron.
The steam control
position must
necessarily be on
order to remove or
replace the iron's
antiscale rod.
The use of a scouring
pad will cause damage
to your soleplate's
self-cleaning coating
Warning ! the steam
control must be set to
STEAM (fig.1.2) during the
cleaning phase and the
thermostat must be set to
MAX (fig.10).
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品牌 Tefal
模型 FV9450G0 Ultimate Autoclean
类别 熨斗
文件类型 PDF
文件大小 7.33 MB

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