说明书 ValeraSwiss Light 3000 Pro电吹风

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Translation from original instrucions
Please read carefully before using the dryer. Available also on www.valera.com
Important: In order to guarantee additional protection, it is
recommended that a differential breaker with an intervention current
not greater than 30 mA is installed in the electrical system which feeds
the device. For further information, contact a qualified electrician.
Make sure the unit is perfectly dry before using it.
WARNING: Do not use this appliance near bathtubs, shower,
basins or other vessels containing water.
This appliance can be used by children of 8 years and over, and by
persons with limited physical, sensory or mental abilities or who
lack the relevant experience and knowledge, if they are suitably
supervised or have been instructed in safe appliance use and made
aware of the associated risks.
Do not allow children to play with the appliance.
Children must not perform cleaning and maintenance procedures
unless supervised.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the
manufacturer, its service agent or a similarly qualified person in
order to avoid a hazard. Do not use your unit if it is not working
properly. Do not try to repair this electrical unit yourself, rather
contact an authorized technician.
When the appliance is used in a bathroom, unplug it after use since
the proximity of water presents a hazard even when the appliance
is switched off.
Plug the hairdryer into an alternating current outlet only, and make
sure that the voltage for your electricity supply is the same as that
indicated on the rating plate of the appliance.
Do not immerse in water or other liquids.
Never put the appliance in a place where it could fall into water
or in other liquids.
Do not try to recover an electric appliance fallen into water, but
unplug it immediately from the mains supply.
Turn the unit off when you put it down.



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品牌 Valera
模型 Swiss Light 3000 Pro
类别 电吹风
文件类型 PDF
文件大小 1.66 MB

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说明书 ValeraSwiss Light 3000 Pro电吹风

